With the three major rivers of the Averyon, the Tarn and the Garonne running through it, the department of Tarn-et-Garonne is known for its pleasant way of life.

Offering a range of varied landscapes, alternating between plains and hills scattered with fields and orchards, wild gorges, limestone plateaus and slopping vineyards.




The Tarn-et-Garonne has the perfect terrain for cycling and bike riding and this particular part will give you the opportunity to cycle some of the routes of the 2016 Tour de France.


Walking / Hiking

This area has been a long and established favourite with walkers and hikers of all abilities. The local villages and towns can supply detailed booklets of the varied and well sign posted routes.



The river Aveyron runs spectacularly through the landscape and is suitable for all ages and standards. A fantastic day out with a lot of fun to be had.

Places of local interest

Najac - A beautiful medieval village perched high on a rocky ridge with an imposing chateau fort. Wonderful night time food markets weekly in July.

St Antonin Noble Val - Some parts of this village date back to the 12th Century. The Place de Halle makes a great place to sit and enjoy the ambiance. The weekly Sunday market is an absolute must.This village was also used as the focal point for the recent film 'The hundred foot journey' staring Helen Mirren and Om Puri.

Penne - Delightful and charming village dominated by the remains of its castle.

Albi - A town on the Tarn River. Home to the red brick Cathedral and the Museum of Toulouse-Lautrec, honoring the Albi born painter.

Wine Tasting - We can recommend some venues for this that we have visited ourselves. We are also happy to arrange this for you if required.